Jan 24, 2025  
2021-2022 University Catalog & Student Handbook 
2021-2022 University Catalog & Student Handbook [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Student Academic Services & Policies

Student Academic Records

Office of the Registrar

The Office of the Registrar is committed to providing exemplary service to students, graduates and faculty. The office strives to provide accurate information and efficient service to the constituencies of the University. The office facilitates and coordinates activities in accordance with University policy and federal regulations and also serves as the custodian of student academic records. The Office of the Registrar serves as an information resource for students, graduates, faculty and staff; the office actively seeks ways to effectively communicate and inform those associated with the University of their rights and responsibilities.

Academic Records Requests

Requests for academic records (including Medical Student Performance Evaluations) will be processed by the Office of the Registrar in the order they are received. Federal regulations mandate a signed request to authorize the release of student academic records. Consequently, phone requests for transcripts are not accepted. Active KCU students are encouraged to utilize KCU 360, our network service utility to review enrollment and grades.

The Office of the Registrar makes every effort to respond to requests in a timely manner; requests are typically processed within three to five business days from the time the request was received. Requests for multiple transcripts, several different documents, or requests during peak operating times (e.g., graduation) may require additional processing time. Information which is required to meet a third-party deadline should be requested with at least two weeks lead time to ensure expedient delivery and appropriate recording.

KCU has authorized the National Student Clearinghouse (NSC) to provide transcript ordering via student authentication through the KCU network. There are multiple delivery options available through NSC, therefore it is recommended that students review transcript and delivery fees prior to requesting a transcript.

Delivery Type Transcript Cost Shipping Costs Total Cost
Secure Electronic PDF $10 $0 $10
In-Person Pickup $20 $0 $20
Standard USPS $20 $0 $20
Certified Mail $20 $6.50 $26.50
FedEx $20 US: $20
Canada/Mexico: $25
International: $55

Requests will not be processed unless payment has been received in full and the student or alumnus has fulfilled all financial obligations to the University. All services will be withheld in situations of default on student loans or other similar financial obligations. Official transcripts are generally forwarded directly to the receiving party. If a transcript is verified as received, via certified mail, but the recipient is unable to locate the transcript, the student is responsible for requesting and paying for another transcript to be sent. Unofficial transcripts do not carry the college seal and are stamped with a red ink identifier. Unofficial transcripts are free of charge.

A graduate who has lost his/her original diploma or requests a duplicate due to a name change must make a request through the Office of the Registrar with supporting legal documentation. The cost for a duplicate diploma is $125. A new diploma will have the word “duplicate” printed on it.

Name and/or Address Change

It is the responsibility of each student to immediately access the Student Forms section of the Registrar intranet page and submit an Address Change form to update any address or telephone number changes. If a name change is required, the student must submit a request, along with legal documentation, to the Office of the Registrar. It is imperative that these records be kept current at all times.

Confidentiality & Disclosure of Student Records

Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act Policy and Notice of Rights
The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) requires educational institutions to annually notify students, in attendance, of their rights under the act regarding access to their education records and certain protections regarding the privacy of personally identifiable information in those records. KCU diligently applies FERPA protections in addition to a person’s right to a general regard for privacy, in the broadest sense possible to protect the information of enrolled students, prospective students, and alumni. This policy is issued in compliance with that requirement.

The following definitions apply to this policy:

Directory Information: Information contained in an education record of a student that would not generally be considered harmful or an invasion of privacy if disclosed.

Disclosure: To permit access to or the release, transfer or other communication of personally identifiable information contained in education records by any means to any party except the party identified as the party that provided or created the record.

Education Records: Those records, regardless of how the information is recorded, that directly relate to a student and are maintained by this University or by a party acting for this University. However, they do not include:

  • Records kept in the sole possession of the maker, that are used only as a personal memory aid, and are not accessible or revealed to any other person except a temporary substitute for the maker of the record.
  • Records of the University’s law enforcement unit that are created by it for law enforcement purposes and maintained by it.
  • Records relating to an individual who is employed by the University (except if the individual is a student employed as a result of his/her status as a student) that are made and maintained in the normal course of business, relate exclusively to the individual in that individual’s capacity as an employee and are not available for any other purpose.
  • Records on a student 18 years of age or older made or maintained by a physician, psychiatrist, psychologist or other recognized professional or paraprofessional acting in his/her professional capacity or assisting in a paraprofessional capacity so long as the records are made, maintained or used only in connection with treatment of the student and are disclosed only to individuals providing treatment.
  • Records created or received by this University after the student is no longer in attendance and are not directly related to the individual’s attendance as a student.

Personally Identifiable Information: Includes, but is not limited to:

  • The student’s name
  • Name of parents or other family members
  • Address
  • A personal identifier
  • Other indirect identifiers (e.g., date and place of birth, mother’s maiden name)
  • Other information that, alone, or in combination, is linked or linkable to a specific student and would allow a reasonable person who does not have personal knowledge of the relevant circumstances to identify the student with reasonable certainty
  • Information requested by a person who the University reasonably believes knows the identity of the student to whom the education record relates.

The Right to Review and Inspect

Students have the right to inspect and review their education records within 45 days of the date the University receives a request for access. Students should submit to the Registrar a written request that identifies the record(s) they wish to inspect. The Registrar will make arrangements for access and notify the student of the time and place where the records may be inspected. If the records are not maintained by the Registrar, that official shall advise the student of the correct official to whom the request should be addressed.

Please note the following:

  • This right does not extend to the financial records, including any information those records contain, of the student’s parents. Also, certain restrictions apply to a student’s access to confidential letters and confidential statements of recommendation placed in a student’s education records. Additionally, certain records may not be accessed by the student because they are excluded from FERPA’s definition of “education records.”
  • If circumstances effectively prevent the student from exercising this right to inspect and review his/her education records, the University will either provide the student a copy of the requested records or make other arrangements for the student to inspect and review them.
  • The University will not charge a fee to search for or to retrieve a student’s education records but may charge a fee for a copy of those records, unless doing so would in some way effectively prevent the student from exercising this right.

The Right to Seek an Amendment of the Student’s Education Records

A student has the right to seek an amendment to that student’s education records if the student believes the record to be inaccurate, misleading or in violation of the student’s privacy rights.

Students desiring an amendment to one of their education records should write the University official responsible for maintaining the record; clearly identify the part of the record they want changed; and specify why it is inaccurate, misleading, or in violation of the student’s privacy rights. The University will follow its internal processes to review any request for amendment. The University will respond to any such request within a reasonable time after receiving the request. The student requesting the amendment will receive a written response indicating the University’s decision in the matter.

The student’s right to seek amendment may not be used to challenge grades.

The Right to a Hearing Regarding the Request for an Amendment

If the University decides not to amend the record as requested by the student, it will notify the student of that decision and advise the student of his/her right to a hearing regarding the request for amendment. Additional information regarding the hearing procedures will be provided to the student when notified of this right.

If, as a result of the hearing, the University decides that an amendment is warranted, it will amend the record accordingly and will inform the student of the amendment in writing.

If, as a result of the hearing, the University decides that an amendment is not warranted, it will inform the student of the right to place a statement in the record commenting on the contested information or stating why he/she disagrees with the decision of the University not to make the amendment, or both. Any such statement placed in the student’s education record will be maintained with the contested part of the record for as long as the record is maintained, and it will be disclosed whenever the University discloses the portion of that record to which the statement relates.

The Right to Prevent Disclosure of That Student’s Personally Identifiable Information

Students have the right to prevent the disclosure of personally identifiable information from their education records, except to the extent that FERPA and its implementing regulations authorize disclosures without consent.

Unless authorized by one of the FERPA exceptions, the University must obtain the written consent of a student before disclosing personally identifiable information contained in the student’s education records. Where required, a student’s consent must specify the records to be disclosed, state the purpose of the disclosure, and identify the party or class of parties to whom disclosure may be made. Upon request, a student will be provided with a copy of the records that he/she has consented to being disclosed.

The various circumstances under which FERPA permits the disclosure of a student’s personally identifiable information without his/her consent include, but are not limited to, the following:

  • Nonconsensual disclosures are permitted to school officials with legitimate educational interests. A school official is a person employed by the University in an administrative, supervisory, academic, research or support staff position (including law enforcement unit personnel and health staff). It also includes a person serving on the University’s governing board; a student serving on an official committee, such as a disciplinary or grievance committee, or assisting another school official in performing his/her tasks; or a contractor, consultant, volunteer or other party (such as an attorney, auditor or collection agent) to whom the University has outsourced University services or functions that it would otherwise use employees to perform, provided that this outside party is under the direct control of the University with respect to the use and maintenance of education records and is subject to FERPA restrictions governing the use and re-disclosure of personally identifiable information from education records.

Nonconsensual disclosures are also permitted to parents in three situations:

  • Disclosure of a student’s personally identifiable information to parents is permitted without a student’s written consent if the University determines that there is an articulable and significant threat to the health or safety of the student or other individuals.
  • Such disclosure is permitted to parents of the student if the parent provides documentation that the student is a dependent pursuant to Section 152 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 and notice is given to the student that a parent has requested such information.
  • Such disclosure is permitted if the student is under 21 at the time of the disclosure and the University has determined that the student has committed a disciplinary violation of any federal, state or local law, or of any rule or policy of the University governing the use or possession of alcohol or a controlled substance.

The Right to Opt Out of the Disclosure of Directory Information

Pursuant to FERPA, the University has classified certain personally identifiable information as directory information, which may be released without the student’s consent.

This University defines directory information as: the student’s name; local and home addresses; telephone number; email address; place and date of birth; program of study; dates of attendance; enrollment status; participation in officially recognized activities; photograph; degrees, honors, and awards received; and the location, training institution, and medical specialty identified for postdoctoral education. A student ID number, user ID, or other unique personal identifier used by a student for purposes of accessing or communicating in electronic systems may also be deemed directory information, but only if that identifier cannot be used to gain access to education records, except when used in conjunction with one or more factors that authenticate the user’s identity (e.g., PIN, password). Any such means of authentication must only be known or possessed by the authorized user.

FERPA permits the University to limit the disclosure of directory information to specific parties, for specific purposes, or both. In the exercise of that authority, this University may release all directory information to school officials as defined above. Other releases will be limited to those situations in which the University, in its discretion, believes the release would recognize a student for academic or extracurricular achievement or otherwise advance the student’s career interests or when the University believes the release would serve to advance the interests and image of the University. Examples of such releases would be the disclosure of directory information to prospective employers, financial aid and scholarship agencies or to registry, licensure or certification services. Another example would be the release of directory information in connection with University-sanctioned alumni affairs. The University will not release directory information to persons or parties not affiliated with the University when their intent is to use that information for commercial purposes.

Students who wish to opt out of the release of some or all of their directory information must notify the Registrar in writing. Upon receipt of such request, the Registrar will designate that portion of the student’s directory information as confidential and not to be released outside this University except to individuals, institutions, agencies and organizations otherwise authorized by FERPA.

This University will honor all requests to withhold any of the categories of directory information listed in the written request, but will not assume any responsibility to contact the student for subsequent permission to release that information. Nondisclosure will be enforced until the student subsequently authorizes its release. A student may not, however, opt out of the disclosure of the student’s name, identifier or University email address in a class in which the student is enrolled.

Regardless of the effect on the student, this University assumes no liability for honoring the request of the student to restrict the disclosure of directory information.

The Right to File a Complaint with the U.S. Department of Education

Students have the right to file a complaint concerning alleged failures by this University to comply with the requirements of FERPA. Students are encouraged to first allow the University to resolve the matter. Nevertheless, complaints may be sent to the Family Policy Compliance Office, U.S. Department of Education, 400 Maryland Avenue, SW, Washington, DC 20202-5920.

Dispute Resolution Policy

From time to time, disputes may arise between the student and KCU. Notwithstanding issues involving Title IX, student discipline and grievances are handled utilizing the Student Disciplinary Committees  and Student Grievances  policies. For issues that are not resolved by the grievance procedure or a student disciplinary committee, or for other disputes where University means are not a reasonable option for resolution, KCU will look to binding arbitration for dispute resolution.

Arbitration is a dispute resolution process in which the disputing parties present their case to a third-party intermediary who considers all of the evidence and then makes a decision for the parties. Binding arbitration simply means that the decision is binding for both parties. Arbitration is a very common approach for resolving various types of disputes, and KCU requires that all students who apply for admission agree to settle any disputes that cannot be resolved via University means (Student Disciplinary Committees or Student Grievance Procedures) use binding arbitration rather than a court system.

Binding Arbitration Agreement

By pursuing enrollment at KCU, the student agrees that any dispute arising from his/her recruitment, enrollment, attendance or education at KCU or any claim, no matter how described, related in any manner, to any act or omission regarding the student’s relationship with KCU, that is not resolved by a Grievance Procedure or Student Disciplinary Committee, shall be resolved by binding arbitration under the requirements of the Federal Arbitration Act. The American Arbitration Association (AAA) in Kansas City, Missouri, will conduct the binding arbitration under its commercial rules. All determinations as to the enforceability and effect of this arbitration agreement shall be decided by the arbitrator, and not by a court. Any award issued as a result of the binding arbitration may be entered in any court having jurisdiction.

Terms of Arbitration

Both the student and KCU irrevocably agree that any dispute between them shall be submitted to arbitration. Neither the student nor KCU shall file or maintain any lawsuit in any court against the other, and agree that any suit filed in violation of this agreement shall be dismissed or stayed by the court in favor of an arbitration conducted pursuant to this agreement.

The costs and fees for arbitration will be governed by the American Arbitration Association’s Employment Arbitration Rules. If neither party is totally successful in the prosecution or defense of its claims, each party will bear its own costs of arbitration unless the arbitrator determines that a more reasonable and equitable division of costs should be imposed.

The arbitrator’s decision shall be set forth in writing and shall set forth the essential findings and conclusions upon which the decision is based.

Any remedy available from a court under the law shall be available in the arbitration.

Procedure for Filing an Arbitration

Students are strongly encouraged, but not required, to utilize the grievance policy described in this catalog and student handbook (Student Grievances ), prior to filing arbitration.

A student desiring to file arbitration should first contact the KCU president, who will provide the student with a copy of the AAA Commercial Rules. A student desiring to file arbitration should then contact the AAA in Kansas City, Missouri, which will provide the appropriate forms and detailed instructions. The student should return this form to the AAA.

Acknowledgment of Waiver of Jury Trial and Availability of AAA Rules

The student acknowledges that he/she understands that both KCU and the student are irrevocably waiving rights to a trial by jury and are selecting instead to submit any and all claims to the decision of an arbitrator instead of a court. The student understands that the award of the arbitrator will be binding and not merely advisory.

Information Technology

KCU recognizes the abundance of technological resources available. It is essential for individuals to have access to the latest technology and information obtainable in order to effectively and efficiently do their jobs, reach their goals, grow professionally and fulfill their educational requirements. For this reason, through the Information Technology department (IT), KCU provides technological access to individuals. Nevertheless, KCU must respect and observe the rights and privileges of copyright holders, obey the U.S. Copyright Act and other laws pertaining to educational institutions, and preserve the integrity of its internal network systems.

Account Guidelines

Accounts are automatically created for all matriculated KCU students, employees, and on an as-needed basis for educational requirements. Accounts will remain in effect until graduation, termination, expiration of the account pursuant to the terms of the special arrangement, or when the provisions of this policy have been violated, as applicable.

User Responsibilities

Individuals who use IT resources at KCU are granted such access as a privilege. Everyone is expected to use accounts responsibly within the KCU-approved educational, academic, research and/or administrative guidelines for which such accounts are granted.

  • Individuals shall use only the KCU accounts that have been authorized for his/her use.
  • Individuals are responsible for any activity conducted on his/her accounts, and should protect his/her accounts by keeping passwords confidential.
  • Users are responsible for ensuring that KCU authorized equipment for which he/she is responsible remains in compliance with this policy.
  • Individuals learning of any misuse of KCU equipment or violations of this policy shall notify the IT department in a timely manner.
  • The internet facilities provided by KCU are University property. Access to the internet imposes certain responsibilities and obligations. Use of the Internet, including the University’s Internet applications, must be ethical and honest with due respect for intellectual property rights, system security, and personal privacy.
  • Users must follow KCU’s password management policies and all user accounts will be forced to change their passwords periodically throughout the year.

University Monitoring Rights

KCU reserves the right to:

  • Access or monitor (without notice) any use of the KCU network and University-owned applications including, but not limited to, internet access, email use, learning management system access and use, storage of electronic, magnetic, and other files and information, etc. Use of any KCU-sponsored applications constitutes consent to such access and monitoring.
  • Request and obtain proof of proper licensing from any user of any software applications found on KCU authorized equipment.
  • Inspect the drive space of all account holders and any KCU computer equipment.
  • Monitor and read email messages and discussion boards. All electronic mail accounts and content of the discussion boards are the property of KCU.
  • Periodically audit all authorized equipment for software and other materials that may violate this policy.

Prohibited Activities

Users are strictly prohibited from performing, alone or in conjunction with, activities that include, but are not limited to, the following:

  • Sharing of passwords or logins, such as an individual allowing friends, family, co-workers, or others to use his/her KCU accounts.
  • Copying software without the proper authorization from KCU’s director of IT.
  • Theft of hardware, software (including unauthorized reproduction), supplies or other property.
  • Installing software (including but not limited to games, shareware, freeware, careware, etc.) on any KCU computer hard drive or network drive without proper authorization from KCU’s director of IT.
  • Without proper authorization, attempting to:
    • Access, copy or destroy programs or files that belong to other users or KCU;
    • Disable or overload any computer system or network;
    • Circumvent any system or procedure intended to protect the privacy or security of any person, network, information, data, program or system; or
    • Place or use, regardless of the means, on KCU property or in accounts on any KCU equipment so-called “hacker” files or other computer programs or devices whose principal function is to defeat security or copy protection mechanisms.
  • Modifying or altering KCU computing equipment:
    • Changing computer settings;
    • Introducing viruses, worms, Trojan horses, trap-door programs, or other intentionally destructive or disabling codes into any system running on any KCU equipment (this includes the internet).
    • Making any changes without written permission from the IT department.
  • Attempting to undermine network security, to impair functionality of the network, or to bypass restrictions including, but not limited to, security restrictions set by IT or KCU.
  • Assisting others in violating, or negligently allowing others to violate rules.
  • Sending messages with sexual, racial, discriminating or harassing content, including any offensive or unlawful remarks, jokes, slurs and obscenities.
  • Sending electronic chain letters.
  • Using email or internet services, including internet applications, for personal financial gain, business or commercial enterprises, or illegal activities (including use of KCU’s email address or any part of a KCU domain name to solicit or receive solicited commercial-related or illegal communications).
  • Downloading any program to any KCU computer equipment without the prior consent of KCU’s director of IT.


Unauthorized or fraudulent use of the University’s computing resources is a serious violation of University regulations and may be against the law. Failure to comply with the stated provisions and applicable local, state and federal laws may result in disciplinary action and/or civil penalties (including damages, criminal fines and/or imprisonment). Information derived from system monitoring and/or contained in electronic message or files may be used as a basis for administrative, disciplinary or criminal proceedings.

  • Individuals who do not comply with the provisions outlined in this policy may have all user privileges suspended, restricted or terminated. In addition, users may be subject to further disciplinary action, which may result in suspension, expulsion or termination from KCU.
  • Any account holder who knowingly or negligently allows a third party to use his/her accounts to do anything otherwise prohibited by this policy shall be disciplined as if the account holder was the responsible party.
  • In addition to any action which KCU may take against the account holder, KCU reserves the right to pursue all claims (equitable, legal and criminal) against and remedies to which KCU may be entitled to from the account holder and/or the actual third-party offender.
  • KCU may report to the appropriate law enforcement agencies any actions by account holders that are believed to be against the law.


All KCU students are required to check their KCU email regularly. KCU will officially communicate with and notify students of important and official communications via their KCU email address. KCU may also communicate officially through standard mail via the U.S. Postal Service (USPS). It is the responsibility of the student to update and keep current their preferred mailing address by submitting an Address Change form via the Student Forms section of the Registrar intranet page.

Bulletin Boards

Bulletin boards are located in designated campus buildings and are available for individual and group use to promote and inform students of opportunities and activities both on and off campus. Student Services has the right to remove any item(s) posted without approval. All postings should be dated to reflect the time of posting. Students are prohibited from affixing posters, flyers or informational materials to walls, restroom stalls, elevators, etc.


The intranet (myKCU) is a private, internal website for KCU students, faculty and staff. This site provides students with information regarding KCU administrative departments, links to Student Services resources, a calendar of events, online approval forms for campus activities, a campus directory, important announcements, building hours, cafeteria menu and a helpful resource center. Students should check myKCU on a daily basis.

KCU Website

The goal of the KCU website is to inform the general public about the University and to provide its constituents with valuable resources and information. The KCU website serves as the portal for many other applications, such as the KCU email system, Canvas, PowerCampus Self-Service, KCU 360 Student Portfolio, NetPartner, etc.

Online Education

Instructure Canvas is the learning management system (LMS) that KCU uses to provide supplemental instruction to students. The learning management system is an integral part of the 21st century learning process. All KCU students are required to check Canvas for course-related information on a regular basis. Student resources provided by Student Services and Clinical Education are also available through Canvas.


All KCU email accounts are the property of KCU and may be subject to review at any time. KCU email should never be considered private or confidential. Email is one of the official means of communication by KCU to its students, and students are required to check their email daily for any official communications. The failure of a student to check his/her email or to receive email because of a full mailbox will not excuse the student from fulfilling their responsibilities or responding to communications.

Photo/Video Release

All registered students consent to allow KCU to take, record, reproduce, digitally modify for enhancement and refinement, or use photographs, voice, video or video still, digital audio, quotes, public displays, public performances, or otherwise of a student’s likeness associated with KCU and its activities for the purposes related to marketing, social media or promotion of KCU including its classes, activities or other events without limitation. Students who do not wish to have their image used should contact the Office of the Registrar and request a FERPA hold to be placed on their student information/data. Once the proper forms have been signed by the student, the Office of the Registrar will notify Marketing & Communications of the hold which will block any identified student images from being published.

Academic Affairs Discretion

The following have the authority to assign students for both basic and advanced study:

  • Deans of COM (Kansas City and Joplin)
  • Dean of COB
  • Vice Dean of COM
  • Vice Provost for Enrollment and Student Services
  • Student Support Committee (SSC)
  • Student Progress Committees (SPC)

Publications & Media Relations

The printing or distribution of any publication, or the use of the University name, logo or seal by students, must meet KCU brand standards and have prior approval from Student Services.

Students are required to refer media inquiries to Marketing & Communications, thereby ensuring that timely and accurate information, delivered in a professionally accepted format, will reach the local and national media to help KCU communicate with its various constituencies.

Regularly scheduled KCU publications include the KCU Magazine and the University Catalog & Student Handbook.

Solicitation, Vending & Petitions

Solicitations on campus are prohibited. University-endorsed organizations must complete a fundraising event approval form with Student Services before selling anything on or off campus. All requests seeking donations from alumni, corporations, local businesses or other external constituents must be approved in advance by the Office of Advancement. Any person or group not endorsed by KCU who wishes to make a presentation, sell products or distribute information must submit a request in writing to the vice provost. This policy includes the distribution of information, posting information on bulletin boards and any use of the facilities. Students are prohibited from soliciting on behalf of vendors using the University email system. All petitions, surveys, and questionnaires (with the exception of those distributed by KCU departments) being distributed to students must be approved by Student Services.

Academic & Physical Accommodations

KCU is committed to an environment in which all students are treated with respect, dignity, and parity. This policy is intended to further KCU’s commitment to non-discrimination based on disability and to allow equal access to programs, services and activities in accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act Amendments Act of 2008 (ADAAA) , Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 (Section 504), and other applicable federal, state and/or local laws. KCU’s commitment includes this process for reviewing requests, evaluating eligibility, and determining what, if any, reasonable accommodation may be provided to students consistent with applicable law. This policy applies to all current students and accepted candidates planning to matriculate in KCU’s education program.

Policy Coverage

As set forth pursuant to applicable law, an individual with a disability is a person who:

  • has a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or more major life activities, such as caring for one’s self, performing manual tasks, learning, walking, seeing, hearing, breathing, and working;
  • has a history of such an impairment;
  • is regarded as having such an impairment.

A student who is deemed to have a disability under the law may be eligible for reasonable accommodation(s) to allow for equal access to KCU’s educational program, unless the reasonable accommodation creates an undue burden or fundamentally alters the nature of the educational program.

Procedure to Request a Reasonable Accommodation

A student with a disability may make a request for reasonable accommodation by pursuing the following steps:

  1. Student shall complete the Student Request for Accommodation Form which requires the student to provide information about his/her disability, along with the accommodation(s) being requested. The Student Request for Accommodation Form is available here; the Form is also available through the Enrollment and Student Services office. A request for reasonable accommodation should be made by the student as early as possible to allow for adequate time to process the request.  It is recommended that a student submit the completed form above, and provide all substantiating information, no later than four weeks prior to the start of the relevant academic term, or as soon as possible after the onset of a disability, to allow for sufficient time for review.
  2. The Student Request for Accommodation Form, along with all required information, must be submitted by student to the following:
    • Disability Services Coordinator (Student Services) - For requests related to reasonable accommodation pertaining to educational programming, services, and activities at both the Kansas City & Joplin campuses:
    • Disability Services Coordinator (Facilities) - For requests related to reasonable accommodation pertaining to physical access to campus, buildings, and other facilities at both the Kansas City & Joplin campuses:
      • Tim Saxe, Facilities Manager
        Dybedal Center for Research, Room 151
        [email protected]
  3. All requests for accommodation are evaluated through an interactive process which includes an individualized assessment and interaction between the student and relevant disability services coordinator.  The interactive process may include, but is not limited to, a review of the student’s request and substantiating medical/clinical information, an assessment of the student’s abilities, an evaluation of possible reasonable accommodations, and a determination of approved reasonable accommodation(s), if any.
  4. As part of the interactive process, the student shall submit medical/clinical information to substantiate the request.  The disability services coordinator may need to consult with student’s health care provider; and, the student shall submit a signed Release of Information to allow for the release of medical/clinical information and further discussion of the same.
  5. The vice provost for Enrollment & Student Services (also referred to as “Section 504 Coordinator”) may work with the disability services coordinator, where deemed appropriate, to participate in the interactive process, assessment and decision-making for the accommodation request.  Substantial information is necessary to allow KCU to understand the nature, extent and limitations of an impairment which affects a student’s participation in educational programming and to determine what, if any reasonable accommodation(s), may be appropriate.  Current evidence of limitation(s) caused by a physical or mental impairment must be established before reasonable accommodation can be determined.   There are further guidelines available here for certain medical conditions, including: 1) Physical Impairment Guidelines; 2) Learning Disability Guidelines; 3) Attentional Disability Guidelines; and 4) Psychological Impairments Guidelines.  If applicable, the student is encouraged to provide these guidelines to his/her health care provider.
  6. After a determination is reached, the vice provost for Enrollment & Student Services/Section 504 Coordinator will inform the student in writing of the decision. 
  7. Keep in mind that all requests for reasonable accommodation must be made pursuant to this procedure.  Accommodations are not handled, nor determined by a faculty member.  Requests for reasonable accommodation and initial determinations are handled by the relevant disability services coordinator and vice provost for Enrollment & Student Services/Section 504 Coordinator.

Appeal Process

If a student is not satisfied with the outcome of the process above, the student may file a written appeal of the accommodation determination issued by the vice provost for Enrollment & Student Services/Section 504 Coordinator.  The student’s written appeal must be submitted on the Appeal of Accommodations Decision form to the vice provost for Enrollment & Student Services/Section 504 Coordinator within 10 days of receipt of the prior written determination.  It is the student’s responsibility to file a complete and accurate appeal before the deadline. 

Contact information for the vice provost for Enrollment and Student Services/Section 504 Coordinator is:

  • Kristine A. Stevens, Ed.D., Vice Provost for Enrollment & Student Services
    Administrative Building, Student Services
    [email protected]

Failure to file a timely appeal immediately terminates the appeal process.  Appeals must include a full explanation of the grounds for the appeal and reason the decision should be reconsidered and/or overturned. 

The provost, along with the associate provost of Institutional Effectiveness & Assessment, will review the written appeal and may choose to meet with the student. In that case, the student must present his/her appeal in person.  The provost shall provide a final written determination to the student. 

Timing of Determinations

In some cases, the entire process cannot be completed before an accommodation must be implemented.  In these rare circumstances, on a case-by-case basis and when reasonable, a temporary accommodation may be implemented pending completion of the disability accommodation process under this policy.  Such a temporary accommodation is implemented solely based on the need for additional time to complete the disability accommodation process, and shall be in place only until the disability accommodations process is complete.  The provision of a temporary accommodation should not be construed in any way as a reflection of eligibility for accommodation or a determination as to the reasonableness of the accommodation provided.  The provision of a temporary accommodation does not in any way change the requirements of this policy, nor is a student relieved of meeting those requirements. 

Additional Considerations

If, through the interactive process in which both student and KCU participate, the student fails to provide sufficient information demonstrating a disability, no accommodation will be provided.  The mere assertion of a disability by a student is insufficient to establish the existence of a disability. 

A prior accommodation does not necessarily demonstrate a current need for a reasonable accommodation.  The fact of prior reasonable accommodations is helpful and encouraged to be shared.  However, receipt of a prior accommodation does not guarantee that the accommodation is relevant or available in the future due to the unique nature of every circumstance.

KCU will not grant a requested accommodation when documentation requirements have not been met and/or KCU reaches a determination that the request creates an undue burden.  KCU is not required to fundamentally alter its programs to accommodate a student; as such, a reasonable accommodation that fundamentally alters the nature of the educational service, program or activity, or that lowers or substantially modifies essential program requirements, will not be approved.  However, alternative reasonable accommodations may be offered by KCU when it has denied a specific accommodation request. 

It is important for student to understand that accommodations are not provided retroactively.  Therefore, student will not be allowed to re-do assignments or re-take examinations with accommodations for those assignments/examinations taken prior to requesting and receiving accommodations. 

Temporary Medical Accommodations

Students who have a temporary medical condition can apply for temporary medical accommodations by completing the Student Request for Temporary Medical Accommodations form.   This request differs due to the short-term, temporary nature of the illness, injury or medical condition of the student since the Student Request for Temporary Medical Accommodation is intended for short-term and temporary medical conditions (ie., broken leg, influenza, etc.).

Additional Accommodations

A student who already has a reasonable accommodation(s) granted in his/her educational programming, and seeks additional reasonable accommodation, must complete the Student Request for Accommodation form.  The same process will be followed as described above for a Student Reasonable Accommodation Request.

Renewal Accommodations

At the start of every new school year, the student will need to complete a Student Request for Accommodation form if the student is seeking reasonable accommodation(s) in educational programming and/or facilities access that had been in place during the prior school year. The student’s prior grant of reasonable accommodation will have been placed in inactive status at the end of the prior school year. The process must be renewed each new school year, or upon the reasonable accommodation otherwise expiring, by student submitting the form above. Renewal requests are reviewed and handled by the applicable Disability Services Coordinator. The interactive process may be undertaken if deemed appropriate under the circumstances; the purpose is to ensure that accommodations are appropriate and effective. The student may also inform KCU of any possible adjustments based on disability-related needs, program changes, and/or the need for modifications to previously granted accommodations.

Communication of Reasonable Accommodation

The Disability Services Coordinator will be responsible for communicating the student’s grant of reasonable accommodation only to relevant faculty, proctors, or others when deemed appropriate. 

Student Concerns

KCU endeavors to provide prompt and equitable resolution of student concerns. Any individual who has concerns about a reasonable accommodation provided, or not provided hereunder, or who wishes to submit a complaint about discrimination or harassment based on disability, should contact a Disability Services Coordinator or the vice provost for Enrollment and Student Services/Section 504 Coordinator, without fear of reprisal.  KCU will not tolerate retaliation against any student for raising a concern, or participating in a complaint, or providing information associated with a concern hereunder.  


Unlike traditional undergraduate and graduate institutions where students individually register for courses, KCU engages in block registration for each student cohort. The student’s respective department sends enrollment information to the Office of the Registrar every term. Students are responsible for reviewing their enrollment on KCU 360 prior to each semester to ensure they are enrolled correctly.

The last day to add a class is seven business days after the published first day of classes in the Academic Calendar. The first day of classes varies by program. This policy does not apply to clerkships.

Students are required to report on the orientation or registration date as specified in the Academic Calendar . First-year COM students who fail to appear at the stated check-in time for orientation risk losing their seat unless other arrangements have been made.

Third- and fourth-year COM students must complete registration materials, including financial aid arrangements, by July 1, prior to participating in clerkships. Third- and fourth-year COM students are not required to be physically present on campus for registration.

All outstanding financial obligations to the University or University-affiliated clerkship sites must be cleared in order for a student to register. Students who are not in University compliance may not attend classes or participate in clerkships.

Semester Credit Definition

KCU awards semester credit based on an amount of work represented in intended learning outcomes and verified by evidence of student achievement. The institutionally established equivalency approximates to no less than 750 minutes (12.5 clock hours) of formalized instruction and typically requires students to work at out-of-class assignments an average of twice the amount of time as the amount of formalized instruction (1,500 minutes) for a total of 2,250 minutes, 37.5 clock hours, for each semester credit awarded.

KCU recognizes that formalized instruction may take place in a variety of delivery methods and variable lengths of time within the semester calendar definition. KCU utilizes the following semester credit calculations based on delivery method and the expectation that the minimum amount of formalized instruction, independent learning, and intended outcomes are being accomplished:

Lecture: 12.5 clock hours of formalized instruction (plus 25 clock hours of student out-of-class independent learning) equals one semester credit. Small-group discussions and learning activities are considered the same as lectures for credit hour calculation purposes.

Labs: 25 clock hours of formalized instruction (plus 12.5 clock hours of student out-of-class independent learning) equals one semester credit.

Clerkships, Directed Study, Independent Study, Practicum and Research: 37.5 clock hours of formalized instruction and/or student out-of-classroom independent learning in any combination equals one semester credit.


Student learning outcome equivalents are to be based on documented qualitative and quantitative expectations for:

  • Time required of students to complete assigned learning activities.
  • Time required of students to read and understand content developed by course/section faculty, excluding time required to read assignments in a course syllabus.
  • Time required of course/section faculty to respond to student questions received through electronic mediums (e.g., email, online classroom, discussion boards, chat rooms).
  • Time required of course/section faculty and students to participate in online conference activities.

Attendance Policy & Absences

Attendance at all scheduled KCU classes, laboratories, and clerkships is expected and in many cases required. As professionals, students are expected to adhere to this attendance policy with diligence. Any student having excessive absences from class, laboratories or clerkships may be in violation of the Code of Professional Conduct and face disciplinary action. (See Student Discipline Procedures ).

A faculty member or administrator may take attendance at any time deemed appropriate or when requested by the campus dean of COM or the dean of COB. Attendance will be taken on specific dates and reported to the Office of the Registrar. These specific dates include the following:

  • The first day of a class, course, or clerkship each semester
  • The first meeting day of each COM course

Please review the program’s attendance policy and procedures for additional information:

Approved Religious Holidays

KCU makes every effort to honor specific religious holy days throughout the academic year. The University will do everything it can to honor students’ wishes to celebrate recognized holy days. This includes making an effort to not schedule exams on specific dates. Should a student wish to be excused from classroom, lab, or exam activities on a specific holy day, he/she will need to follow the excused absence request policy for the appropriate program.

The following are recognized by KCU as acknowledged holy days. Students may request to be excused from class activities for the following only:

  • Eid al Adha (Islam)
  • Rosh Hashanah (Judaism)
  • Yom Kippur (Judaism)
  • Diwali (Hindu, Jain, Sikh)
  • Hanukkah (Judaism)
  • Christmas (Christianity)
  • Easter (Christianity)
  • Eid al Fitr (Islam)

An excused student may not be penalized for the absence and must be allowed to take an examination or complete an assignment from which the student is excused within a reasonable period after the absence. The faculty member may take appropriate action if a student fails to satisfactorily complete an assignment or examination within the stated period of time.

Student Withdrawal from the University

Withdrawal is a voluntary action by a student who chooses to leave the University. Any student who leaves the University (becomes a non-student), for any reason, must complete the University’s checkout process and procedures. Failure to complete this checkout procedure will cause the University to withhold all records pertaining to the student’s attendance.

The checkout procedure is as follows:

  • If the student is withdrawing, he/she must contact the vice provost of Enrollment & Student Services to notify of intent to withdraw.
  • Before leaving campus, the student must secure a checkout form from Student Services and undergo an exit interview.

The exit interview will occur with members of the Student Services team. For the convenience of the student, this will be handled in a single office in order to expedite the process. The completed checkout form will be submitted to the Office of the Registrar by University staff.

Once the student completes all obligations, including payment of all outstanding balances, the Office of the Registrar will release student records upon receiving signed consent.

Student Unofficial Withdrawal from the University

In some cases, students may begin KCU coursework but stop attending all courses during the term. KCU’s Financial Aid Office and the Office of the Registrar will review students at the end of each academic term to determine if the student unofficially withdrew from the University. A student receiving all grades of fail (F), withdrawal (W) or administrative withdrawal (AW) in any combination may be subject to the Return of Title IV funds calculation (R2T4) if it is determined that the student unofficially withdrew.

The offices of Financial Aid and Enrollment Services will contact and request from course instructors confirmation of the date the student ceased attending his/her courses through graded class assignments, documented group project work or other documentation from the instructor. If and/or when instructors provide confirmation of the last date of attendance or coursework completed, the date provided will be used to calculate the R2T4 and federal funds to return.

If a last date of attendance cannot be confirmed, the half-way point of the semester may be used and 50 percent of the aid used to pay direct educational costs (tuition and fees) must be returned to the U.S. Department of Education on the student’s behalf. The Financial Aid Office will use the policy for the Return of Title IV Aid  in order to return the funds.

Conferral of Degrees

Degrees are conferred upon completion of the degree requirements and approval of University faculty and administration. Diplomas are ordered after conferral for graduation in May and the subsequent conferral in June. Diplomas will be ordered in December for any degrees conferred after the June conferral date. For any degrees conferred after December, diplomas will be ordered in May.

Dismissal from the University

The University reserves the right, at its sole discretion, to dismiss any student at any time prior to graduation in the event of a breach of the Code of Professional Conduct , any policy or directive set forth in the University Catalog & Student Handbook, or failure to satisfy any requirement for graduation; provided, however, that all procedures for review or action be adhered to.

Exceptions to Academic Policy

The University Catalog & Student Handbook is the basic authority source for academic requirements and associated policies. All students are expected to follow the catalog and handbook in the pursuit of their degrees. On occasion, however, extraordinary circumstances may warrant departures from the catalog requirements. Students who believe their situation warrants a deviation from academic policy may petition for an exception to policy by filing an appeal with the vice provost for Enrollment and Student Services.

Leaves of Absence

A leave of absence (LOA) may be granted from the University for several reasons, including:

  • A medical emergency or illness
  • A financial emergency
  • Personal emergency
  • Military service
  • Pursuit of an academic endeavor other than the regular classroom work, either on campus or at another recognized educational institution.

The maximum length granted for an LOA is 12 months. Students who have been granted a Leave of Absence from KCU are required to comply with the KCU Code of Professional Conduct while on leave. Should a student wish to take a leave longer than one year, they must appeal to the vice provost for Enrollment and Student Services. These requests for extensions beyond 12 months are only granted in situations where there is a compelling, legitimate reason why the student should need additional time away. Should a student be on leave for more than 12 months, KCU reserves the right to require them to retake coursework to ensure that his/her basic science or clinical knowledge and skills are at an acceptably safe level.

The campus dean of COM (Kansas City or Joplin), vice provost for Enrollment and Student Services or dean of COB may grant an LOA for a designated period of time with or without conditions. Conditions are commonly prescribed in cases of academic deficiency or medical-related issues.

Students granted a medical LOA must have a licensed physician, approved by the campus dean of COM or dean of COB, certify in writing that their physical and/or mental health is sufficient to continue in a rigorous educational program before they may return to the University.

A student granted an LOA with conditions may be required to meet with a student services staff member before reinstatement.

Students granted a financial LOA must, prior to returning to the University, prove to the Finance office of the University that they have the financial capability to advance in their education.

Students seeking an academic LOA must verify that all terms and conditions of the leave are stated before the leave will be granted, thereby ensuring that the student does not miss important core information.

All LOA’s should be requested in writing - the LOA Request Form is available on the intranet - to the vice provost for Enrollment and Student Services, the campus dean of COM, or the dean of COB, who are responsible for approving or denying requests for LOA’s. If unforeseen circumstances prevent a student from providing a prior written request, the request may be granted for the LOA by exception.

Students granted an LOA must follow the checkout process detailed in this catalog and handbook. OMS-I, OMS-II and COB students on an LOA of more than 30 days will be withdrawn from their program and must repeat the semester or year with the next cohort of students. Students placed on any LOA over 30 days will be considered withdrawn from coursework and will be reported to the U.S. Department of Education through the National Student Loan Data System (NSLDS) as withdrawn. LOA’s have a significant impact on a student’s federal financial aid status. Please contact the Financial Aid Office about the implications related to your LOA.

Following an LOA, a student must request reinstatement in writing to the vice provost for Enrollment and Student Services, the campus dean of COM or the dean of COB.