Oct 02, 2024  
2024-2025 University Catalog & Student Handbook 
2024-2025 University Catalog & Student Handbook

COM Student Progress Committee

The COM- Student Progress Committee (COM-SPC) is a committee made up of COM faculty, administrators and other appointed University faculty or staff. The COM-SPC addresses academic and professional issues when students have not successfully completed COM specific required elements for graduation.

The COM-SPC establishes and mandates protocols and makes recommendations appropriate to the individual student. The committee has broad authority to review student records, decide how best the program and/or the University can assist the student, and has the authority to include several interventions as a part of a final decision. (See Sanctions Related to the Academic Review Process and Violations of the Code of Professional Conduct). Decisions include but are not limited to remediation of a course, academic warning/probation, repeating an academic year, or dismissal. The COM-SPC also proactively identifies students who are at academic risk. 

COM-SPC Process

Academic Failure is defined as a failure of a course, course remediation, or clerkship, required for graduation.

Note: Students may remediate one COMAT failure without having to repeat the clerkship.  The transcript will reflect an F/P upon successful remediation of the COMAT.

For academic failures, the COM-SPC process is outlined below. 

Note: Academic Failures, and/or any COMLEX-USA examination failures accrue cumulatively over a student’s academic career, even if the student is allowed to repeat an academic year. For example, if a student has failed one course in the first year and fails another in the second year, the failure is considered the student’s second cumulative academic failure.

Academic Failures

  • First Academic Failure
    • Students with a first academic failure are referred to the COM-SPC sub-committee for remediation planning via notification from the vice provost of Student Services and may be required to meet with the SPC.  Students will follow the process described in the COM-SPC hearing and decision section below. 
  • Second Academic Failure
    • Students with no prior academic failures who accrue two academic failures within one academic year are automatically suspended with no option to appeal but may have the option to repeat the entire year.  Students who earn two academic failures over their academic career will be referred to SPC via notification from the vice-provost of Student Services.
  • Third Academic Failure
    • Students with three cumulative academic failures in multiple academic years are referred to the COM-SPC via notification from the vice-provost of Student Services and may be dismissed. If remediation is granted, students will be referred to the COM-SPC sub-committee.  Students will follow the process described in the COM-SPC hearing and decision section below.
  • Fourth Academic Failure
    • Any KCU COM student with four or more academic failures is automatically dismissed with no option for appeal.

COMLEX-USA Level 1 or 2 Exam Failures

  • First attempt and second attempt
    • Students are referred for remediation planning via notification from the vice provost of Student Services and may be required to meet with the SPC. Students who do not comply with the agreed upon remediation plan may be referred to the COM-SPC.  
  • Third attempt
    • Any KCU COM student with three COMLEX-USA Level 1 or three COMLEX-USA Level 2 failures is automatically dismissed with no option for appeal.

Violations of the Code of Professional Conduct

KCU-COM students who violate either the general KCU student Code of Professional Conduct or the supplemental COM Professional Code of Conduct or violate the conduct expectations outlined in a course syllabus, in which the student is currently enrolled, are required to meet with the assistant vice provost for Student Services assigned to their campus. The student may also be required to meet with the campus dean and may be referred to the COM-SPC. 

COM-SPC Hearing and Decision

Before the formal meeting with the full COM-SPC, the vice provost for Student Services or designee will give the student instructions outlining the committee hearing process. Students must submit a written statement to the COM-SPC that addresses the concern, including appropriate background, context and/or additional documentation that explains circumstances and events resulting in the referral as well as proposed next steps in order to rectify the issue(s). This statement, along with the student’s entire academic and professionalism record, is available to the committee. During the hearing, students may read their letter and be asked questions by committee members. Professionalism during the hearing is expected, which includes being on time, being professionally attired in a white coat, and being in a professional environment free of distractions when conducted virtually. Students may not record the meeting per University Policy and may not have another person present without permission.

After a thorough discussion and review of relevant policies, the issue in question, and the totality of the student’s circumstances, the COM-SPC will vote and determine a decision. The vice provost for Student Services will inform students of the decision via email. Students can appeal the decision of the COM-SPC. The appeals process is explained to the student in writing when the decision is delivered.

COM-SPC Appeal Process

Students have the right to appeal the decision of the COM-SPC for the reasons outlined under the Student Appeals & Due Process  section of the catalog. The appeals process will be communicated to the student at the time the decision is delivered. If the student wishes to appeal the decision of the COM-SPC, they will submit a written appeal to the vice provost for Student Services. The vice provost for Student Services will notify the appropriate deans, or their designees, that the appeal has been filed. (See Student Appeals & Due Process for specific instructions on appeals.)